

StarRocks version 2.5


Release date: September 28, 2023


  • Window functions COVAR_SAMP, COVAR_POP, CORR, VARIANCE, VAR_SAMP, STD, and STDDEV_SAMP now support the ORDER BY clause and Window clause. #30786
  • An error instead of NULL is returned if a decimal overflow occurs during queries on the DECIMAL type data. #30419
  • Executing SQL commands with invalid comments now returns results consistent with MySQL. #30210
  • Rowsets corresponding to tablets that have been deleted are cleaned up, reducing the memory usage during BE startup. #30625

Bug Fixes

Fixed the following issues:

  • An error "Set cancelled by MemoryScratchSinkOperator" occurs when users read data from StarRocks using the Spark Connector or Flink Connector. #30702 #30751
  • An error "java.lang.IllegalStateException: null" occurs during queries with an ORDER BY clause that includes aggregate functions. #30108
  • FEs fail to restart when there are inactive materialized views. #30015
  • Performing INSERT OVERWRITE operations on duplicate partitions corrupts the metadata, leading to FE restart failures. #27545
  • An error "java.lang.NullPointerException: null" occurs when users modify columns that do not exist in a Primary Key table. #30366
  • An error "get TableMeta failed from TNetworkAddress" occurs when users load data into a partitioned StarRocks external table. #30124
  • In certain scenarios, an error occurs when users load data via CloudCanal. #30799
  • An error "current running txns on db xxx is 200, larger than limit 200" occurs when users load data via the Flink Connector or perform DELETE and INSERT operations. #18393
  • Asynchronous materialized views which use HAVING clauses that include aggregate functions cannot rewrite queries properly. #29976


Release date: September 4, 2023


  • Comments in an SQL are retained in the Audit Log. #29747
  • Added CPU and memory statistics of INSERT INTO SELECT to the Audit Log. #29901

Bug Fixes

Fixed the following issues:

  • When Broker Load is used to load data, the NOT NULL attribute of some fields may cause BEs to crash or cause the "msg:mismatched row count" error. #29832
  • Queries against ORC-formatted files fail because the bugfix ORC-1304 (apache/orc#1299) from Apache ORC is not merged. #29804
  • Restoring Primary Key tables causes metadata inconsistency after BEs are restarted. #30135


Release date: August 28, 2023


  • Supports implicit conversions for all compound predicates and for all expressions in the WHERE clause. You can enable or disable implicit conversions by using the session variable enable_strict_type. The default value is false. #21870
  • Optimized the prompt returned if users do not specify hive.metastore.uri when they create an Iceberg Catalog. The error prompt is more accurate. #16543
  • Added more prompts in the error message xxx too many versions xxx. #28397
  • Dynamic partitioning further supports the partitioning unit to be year. #28386

Bug Fixes

Fixed the following issues:

  • When data is loaded into tables with multiple replicas, a large number of invalid log records are written if some partitions of the tables are empty. #28824
  • The DELETE operation fails if the field in the WHERE condition is a BITMAP or HLL field. #28592
  • Manually refreshing an asynchronous materialized view via a synchronous call (SYNC MODE) results in multiple INSERT OVERWRITE records in the information_schema.task_runs table. #28060
  • If CLONE operations are triggered on tablets in an ERROR state, disk usage increases. #28488
  • When Join Reorder is enabled, the query result is incorrect if the column to query is a constant. #29239
  • During tablet migration between SSDs and HDDs, if the FE sends excessive migration tasks to BEs, BEs will encounter OOM issues. #29055
  • The security vulnerability in /apache_hdfs_broker/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar. #28866
  • During data queries through Hive Catalog, if a partitioning column and an OR operator are used in the WHERE clause, the query result is incorrect. #28876
  • The error "java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null" occasionally occurs during data queries. #29296
  • FEs cannot be restarted if the base table of an asynchronous materialized view is dropped. #29318
  • For an asynchronous materialized view that is created across databases, the Leader FE occasionally encounters a deadlock when data is being written into base tables of this materialized view. #29432


Release date: August 7, 2023

New features


  • Optimized the scheduling logic of TabletChecker to prevent the checker from repeatedly scheduling tablets that are not repaired. #27648
  • When Schema Change and Routine Load occur simultaneously, Routine Load jobs may fail if Schema Change completes first. The error message reported in this situation is optimized. #28425
  • Users are prohibited from defining NOT NULL columns when they create external tables (If NOT NULL columns are defined, errors will occur after an upgrade and the table must be created again). External catalogs are recommended starting from v2.3.0 to replace external tables. #25485
  • Added an error message when Broker Load retries encounter an error. This facilitates troubleshooting and debugging during data loading. #21982
  • Supports large-scale data writes when a load job involves both UPSERT and DELETE operations. #17264
  • Optimized query rewrite using materialized views. #27934 #25542 #22300 #27557 #22300 #26957 #27728 #27900

Bug Fixes

Fixed the following issues:

  • When CAST is used to convert a string into an array, the result may be incorrect if the input includes constants. #19793
  • SHOW TABLET returns incorrect results if it contains ORDER BY and LIMIT. #23375
  • Outer join and Anti join rewrite errors for materialized views. #28028
  • Incorrect table-level scan statistics in FE cause inaccurate metrics for table queries and loading. #27779
  • An exception occurred when using the current long link to access metastore. msg: Failed to get next notification based on last event id: 707602 is reported in FE logs if event listener is configured on the HMS to incrementally update Hive metadata. #21056
  • The query result is not stable if the sort key is modified for a partitioned table. #27850
  • Data loaded using Spark Load may be distributed to the wrong buckets if the bucketing column is a DATE, DATETIME, or DECIMAL column. #27005
  • The regex_replace function may cause BEs to crash in some scenarios. #27117
  • BE crashes if the input of the sub_bitmap function is not a BITMAP value. #27982
  • "Unknown error" is returned for a query when Join Reorder is enabled. #27472
  • Inaccurate estimation of average row size causes Primary Key partial updates to occupy excessively large memory. #27485
  • Some INSERT jobs return [42000][1064] Dict Decode failed, Dict can't take cover all key :0 if low-cardinality optimization is enabled. #26463
  • If users specify "hadoop.security.authentication" = "simple" in their Broker Load jobs created to load data from HDFS, the job fails. #27774
  • Modifying the refresh mode of materialized views causes inconsistent metadata between the leader FE and follower FE. #28082 #28097
  • Passwords are not hidden when SHOW CREATE CATALOG and SHOW RESOURCES are used to query specific information. #28059
  • FE memory leak caused by blocked LabelCleaner threads. #28311


Release date: July 19, 2023

New features

  • Queries that contain a different type of join than the materialized view can be rewritten. #25099


  • StarRocks external tables whose destination cluster is the current StarRocks cluster cannot be created. #25441
  • If the queried fields are not included in the output columns of a materialized view but are included in the predicate of the materialized view, the query can still be rewritten. #23028
  • Added a new field table_id to the table tables_config in the database Information_schema. You can join tables_config with be_tablets on the column table_id to query the names of the database and table to which a tablet belongs. #24061

Bug Fixes

Fixed the following issues:

  • Count Distinct result is incorrect for Duplicate Key tables. #24222
  • BEs may crash if the Join key is a large BINARY column. #25084
  • The INSERT operation hangs if the length of CHAR data in a STRUCT to be inserted exceeds the maximum CHAR length defined in the STRUCT column. #25942
  • The result of coalesce() is incorrect. #26250
  • The version number for a tablet is inconsistent between the BE and FE after data is restored. #26518
  • Partitions cannot be automatically created for recovered tables. #26813


Release date: June 30, 2023


  • Optimized the error message reported when partitions are added to a non-partitioned table. #25266
  • Optimized the auto tablet distribution policy for tables. #24543
  • Optimized the default comments in the CREATE TABLE statement. #24803
  • Optimized the manual refreshing of asynchronous materialized views. Supports using the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH SYNC MODE syntax to synchronously invoke materialized view refresh tasks. #25910

Bug Fixes

Fixed the following issues:

  • The COUNT result of an asynchronous materialized view may be inaccurate if the materialized view is built on Union results. #24460
  • "Unknown error" is reported when users attempt to forcibly reset the root password. #25492
  • Inaccurate error message is displayed when INSERT OVERWRITE is executed on a cluster with less than three alive BEs. #25314


Release date: June 14, 2023

New features

  • Inactive materialized views can be manually activated using ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW <mv_name> ACTIVE. You can use this SQL command to activate materialized views whose base tables were dropped and then recreated. For more information, see ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW. #24001
  • StarRocks can automatically set an appropriate number of tablets when you create a table or add a partition, eliminating the need for manual operations. For more information, see Determine the number of tablets. #10614


  • Optimized the I/O concurrency of Scan nodes used in external table queries, which reduces memory usage and improves the stability of data loading from external tables. #23617 #23624 #23626
  • Optimized the error message for Broker Load jobs. The error message contains retry information and the name of erroneous files. #18038 #21982
  • Optimized the error message returned when CREATE TABLE times out and added parameter tuning tips. #24510
  • Optimized the error message returned when ALTER TABLE fails because the table status is not Normal. #24381
  • Ignores full-width spaces in the CREATE TABLE statement. #23885
  • Optimized the Broker access timeout to increase the success rate of Broker Load jobs. #22699
  • For Primary Key tables, the VersionCount field returned by SHOW TABLET contains Rowsets that are in the Pending state. #23847
  • Optimized the Persistent Index policy. #22140

Bug Fixes

Fixed the following issues:

  • When users load Parquet data into StarRocks, DATETIME values overflow during type conversion, causing data errors. #22356
  • Bucket information is lost after Dynamic Partitioning is disabled. #22595
  • Using unsupported properties in the CREATE TABLE statement causes null pointer exceptions (NPEs). #23859
  • Table permission filtering in information_schema becomes ineffective. As a result, users can view tables they do not have permission to. #23804
  • Information returned by SHOW TABLE STATUS is incomplete. #24279
  • A schema change sometimes may be hung if data loading occurs simultaneously with the schema change. #23456
  • RocksDB WAL flush blocks the brpc worker from processing bthreads, which interrupts high-frequency data loading into Primary Key tables. #22489
  • TIME-type columns that are not supported in StarRocks can be successfully created. #23474
  • Materialized view Union rewrite fails. #22922


Release date: May 19, 2023


  • Optimized the error message reported when INSERT INTO ... SELECT expires due to a small thrift_server_max_worker_thread value. #21964
  • Tables created using CTAS have three replicas by default, which is consistent with the default replica number for common tables. #22854

Bug Fixes

  • Truncating partitions fails because the TRUNCATE operation is case-sensitive to partition names. #21809
  • Decommissioning BE fails due to the failure in creating temporary partitions for materialized views. #22745
  • Dynamic FE parameters that require an ARRAY value cannot be set to an empty array. #22225
  • Materialized views with the partition_refresh_number property specified may fail to completely refresh. #21619
  • SHOW CREATE TABLE masks cloud credential information, which causes incorrect credential information in memory. #21311
  • Predicates cannot take effect on some ORC files that are queried via external tables. #21901
  • The min-max filter cannot properly handle lower- and upper-case letters in column names. #22626
  • Late materialization causes errors in querying complex data types (STRUCT or MAP). #22862
  • The issue that occurs when restoring a Primary Key table. #23384


Release date: April 28, 2023

New features

Added a metric to monitor the tablet status of Primary Key tables:

  • Added the FE metric err_state_metric.
  • Added the ErrorStateTabletNum column to the output of SHOW PROC '/statistic/' to display the number of err_state tablets.
  • Added the ErrorStateTablets column to the output of SHOW PROC '/statistic/<db_id>/' to display the IDs of err_state tablets.

For more information, see SHOW PROC.


  • Optimized the disk balancing speed when multiple BEs are added. # 19418
  • Optimized the inference of storage_medium. When BEs use both SSD and HDD as storage devices, if the property storage_cooldown_time is specified, StarRocks sets storage_medium to SSD. Otherwise, StarRocks sets storage_medium to HDD. #18649
  • Optimized the performance of Unique Key tables by forbidding the collection of statistics from value columns. #19563

Bug Fixes

  • For Colocation tables, the replica status can be manually specified as bad by using statements like ADMIN SET REPLICA STATUS PROPERTIES ("tablet_id" = "10003", "backend_id" = "10001", "status" = "bad");. If the number of BEs is less than or equal to the number of replicas, the corrupted replica cannot be repaired. # 17876
  • After a BE is started, its process exists but the BE port cannot be enabled. # 19347
  • Wrong results are returned for aggregate queries whose subquery is nested with a window function. # 19725
  • auto_refresh_partitions_limit does not take effect when the materialized view (MV) is refreshed for the first time. As a result, all the partitions are refreshed. # 19759
  • An error occurs when querying a CSV Hive external table whose array data is nested with complex data such as MAP and STRUCT. # 20233
  • Queries that use Spark connector time out. # 20264
  • If one replica of a two-replica table is corrupted, the table cannot recover. # 20681
  • Query failure caused by MV query rewrite failure. # 19549
  • The metric interface expires due to database lock. # 20790
  • Wrong results are returned for Broadcast Join. # 20952
  • NPE is returned when an unsupported data type is used in CREATE TABLE. # 20999
  • The issue caused by using window_funnel() with the Query Cache feature. # 21474
  • Optimization plan selection takes an unexpectedly long time after the CTE is rewritten. # 16515


Release date: April 4, 2023


  • Optimized the performance of rewriting queries on materialized views during query planning. The amount of time taken for query planning is reduced by about 70%. #19579
  • Optimized the type inference logic. If a query like SELECT sum(CASE WHEN XXX); contains a constant 0, such as SELECT sum(CASE WHEN k1 = 1 THEN v1 ELSE 0 END) FROM test;, pre-aggregation is automatically enabled to accelerate the query. #19474
  • Supports using SHOW CREATE VIEW to view the creation statement of a materialized view. #19999
  • Supports transmitting packets that are 2 GB or larger in size for a single bRPC request between BE nodes. #20283 #20230
  • Supports using SHOW CREATE CATALOG to query the creation statement of an external catalog.

Bug Fixes

The following bugs are fixed:

  • After queries on materialized views are rewritten, the global dictionary for low-cardinality optimization does not take effect. #19615
  • If a query on materialized views fails to be rewritten, the query fails. #19774
  • If a materialized view is created based on a Primary Key or Unique Key table, queries on that materialized view cannot be rewritten. #19600
  • The column names of materialized views are case-sensitive. However, when you create a table, the table is successfully created without an error message even if column names are incorrect in the PROPERTIES of the table creation statement, and moreover the rewriting of queries on materialized views created on that table fails. #19780
  • After a query on materialized views is rewritten, the query plan ma contain partition column-based, invalid predicates, which affect query performance. #19784
  • When data is loaded into a newly created partition, queries on materialized views may fail to be rewritten. #20323
  • Configuring "storage_medium" = "SSD" at the creation of materialized views causes the refresh of the materialized views to fail. #19539 #19626
  • Concurrent compaction may happen on Primary Key tables. #19692
  • Compaction does not occur promptly after a large number of DELETE operations. #19623
  • If the expression of a statement contains multiple low-cardinality columns, the expression may fail to be properly rewritten. As a result, the global dictionary for low-cardinality optimization does not take effect. #20161


Release date: March 10, 2023


  • Optimized query rewrite for materialized views (MVs).
    • Supports rewriting queries with Outer Join and Cross Join. #18629
    • Optimized the data scan logic for MVs, further accelerating the rewritten queries. #18629
    • Enhanced rewrite capabilities for single-table aggregate queries. #18629
    • Enhanced rewrite capabilities in View Delta scenarios, which is when the queried tables are a subset of the MV's base tables. #18800
  • Optimized the performance and memory usage when the window function RANK() is used as a filter or a sort key. #17553

Bug Fixes

The following bugs are fixed:

  • Errors caused by null literals [] in ARRAY data. #18563
  • Misuse of the low-cardinality optimization dictionary in some complex query scenarios. The dictionary mapping check is now added before applying the dictionary. #17318
  • In a single BE environment, Local Shuffle causes GROUP BY to produce duplicate results. #17845
  • Misuses of partition-related PROPERTIES for a non-partitioned MV may cause the MV refresh to fail. The partition PROPERTIES check is now performed when users create an MV. #18741
  • Errors in parsing Parquet Repetition columns. #17626 #17788 #18051
  • The obtained column's nullable information is incorrect. Solution: When CTAS is used to create a Primary Key table, only the primary key columns are non-nullable; non-primary key columns are nullable. #16431
  • Some issues caused by deleting data from Primary Key tables. #18768


Release date: February 21, 2023

New Features

  • Supports using the Instance Profile and Assumed Role-based credential methods to access AWS S3 and AWS Glue. #15958
  • Supports the following bit functions: bit_shift_left, bit_shift_right, and bit_shift_right_logical. #14151


  • Optimized the memory release logic, which significantly reduces peak memory usage when a query contains a large number of aggregate queries. #16913
  • Reduced the memory usage of sorting. The memory consumption is halved when a query involves window functions or sorting. #16937 #17362 #17408

Bug Fixes

The following bugs are fixed:

  • Apache Hive external tables that contain MAP and ARRAY data cannot be refreshed. #17548
  • Superset cannot identify column types of materialized views. #17686
  • BI connectivity fails because SET GLOBAL/SESSION TRANSACTION cannot be parsed. #17295
  • The bucket number of dynamic partitioned tables in a Colocate Group cannot be modified and an error message is returned. #17418
  • Potential issues caused by a failure in the Prepare stage. #17323

Behavior Change

  • Changed the default value of enable_experimental_mv from false to true, which means asynchronous materialized view is enabled by default.
  • Added CHARACTER to the reserved keyword list. #17488


Release date: February 5, 2023


  • Asynchronous materialized views created based on external catalogs support query rewrite. #11116 #15791
  • Allows users to specify a collection period for automatic CBO statistics collection, which prevents cluster performance jitter caused by automatic full collection. #14996
  • Added Thrift server queue. Requests that cannot be processed immediately during INSERT INTO SELECT can be pending in the Thrift server queue, preventing requests from being rejected. #14571
  • Deprecated the FE parameter default_storage_medium. If storage_medium is not explicitly specified when users create a table, the system automatically infers the storage medium of the table based on BE disk type. For more information, see description of storage_medium in CREATE TABLE. #14394

Bug Fixes

The following bugs are fixed:

  • Null pointer exception (NPE) caused by SET PASSWORD. #15247
  • JSON data with empty keys cannot be parsed. #16852
  • Data of invalid types can be successfully converted into ARRAY data. #16866
  • Nested Loop Join cannot be interrupted when an exception occurs. #16875

Behavior Change

  • Deprecated the FE parameter default_storage_medium. The storage medium of a table is automatically inferred by the system. #14394


Release date: January 22, 2023

New Features


  • Optimized the metadata access performance when you query external data using Hive catalogs, Hudi catalogs, and Iceberg catalogs. #11349
  • Supports querying ARRAY data using Elasticsearch external tables. #9693
  • Optimized the following aspects of materialized views:
    • Asynchronous materialized views support automatic and transparent query rewrite based on the SPJG-type materialized views. For more information, see Materialized view. #13193
    • Asynchronous materialized views support multiple async refresh mechanisms. For more information, see Materialized view. #12712 #13171 #13229 #12926
    • The efficiency of refreshing materialized views is improved. #13167
  • Optimized the following aspects of data loading:
    • Optimized loading performance in multi-replica scenarios by supporting the "single leader replication" mode. Data loading gains a one-fold performance lift. For more information about "single leader replication", see replicated_storage in CREATE TABLE. #10138
    • Broker Load and Spark Load no longer need to depend on brokers for data loading when only one HDFS cluster or one Kerberos user is configured. However, if you have multiple HDFS clusters or multiple Kerberos users, you still need to deploy a broker. For more information, see Load data from HDFS or cloud storage and Bulk load using Apache Spark™. #9049 #9228
    • Optimized the performance of Broker Load when a large number of small ORC files are loaded. #11380
    • Reduced the memory usage when you load data into Primary Key tables.
  • Optimized the information_schema database and the tables and columns tables within. Adds a new table table_config. For more information, see Information Schema. #10033
  • Optimized data backup and restore:
    • Supports backing up and restoring data from multiple tables in a database at a time. For more information, see Backup and restore data. #11619
    • Supports backing up and restoring data from Primary Key tables. For more information, see Backup and restore. #11885
  • Optimized the following functions:
    • Added an optional parameter for the time_slice function, which is used to determine whether the beginning or end of the time interval is returned. #11216
    • Added a new mode INCREASE for the window_funnel function to avoid computing duplicate timestamps. #10134
    • Supports specifying multiple arguments in the unnest function. #12484
    • lead() and lag() functions support querying HLL and BITMAP data. For more information, see Window function. #12108
    • The following ARRAY functions support querying JSON data: array_agg, array_sort, array_concat, array_slice, and reverse. #13155
    • Optimized the use of some functions. The current_date, current_timestamp, current_time, localtimestamp, and localtime functions can be executed without using (), for example, you can directly run select current_date;. # 14319
  • Removed some redundant information from FE logs. # 15374

Bug Fixes

The following bugs are fixed:

  • The append_trailing_char_if_absent() function may return an incorrect result when the first argument is empty. #13762
  • After a table is restored using the RECOVER statement, the table does not exist. #13921
  • The result returned by the SHOW CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement does not contain the database and catalog specified in the query statement when the materialized view was created. #12833
  • Schema change jobs in the waiting_stable state cannot be canceled. #12530
  • Running the SHOW PROC '/statistic'; command on a Leader FE and non-Leader FE returns different results. #12491
  • The position of the ORDER BY clause is incorrect in the result returned by SHOW CREATE TABLE. # 13809
  • When users use Hive Catalog to query Hive data, if the execution plan generated by FE does not contain partition IDs, BEs fail to query Hive partition data. # 15486.

Behavior Change

  • Changed the default value of the AWS_EC2_METADATA_DISABLED parameter to False, which means that the metadata of Amazon EC2 is obtained to access AWS resources.
  • Renamed session variable is_report_success to enable_profile, which can be queried using the SHOW VARIABLES statement.
  • Added four reserved keywords: CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, LOCALTIME, and LOCALTIMESTAMP. # 14319
  • The maximum length of table and database names can be up to 1023 characters. # 14929 # 15020
  • BE configuration items enable_event_based_compaction_framework and enable_size_tiered_compaction_strategy are set to true by default, which significantly reduces compaction overheads when there are a large number of tablets or a single tablet has large data volume.

Upgrade Notes

  • You can upgrade your cluster to 2.5.0 from 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, or 2.4.x. However, if you need to perform a rollback, we recommend that you roll back only to 2.4.x.